Research underway to see if single-shot vaccine can prevent both Covid-19 and flu

‘Oku taupotu ‘i lalo ha fakamatala fakaTonga

Scientists in New Zealand are working on a shot that could protect against Covid-19 and flu viruses.

The Wellington P3 Research experts are looking for people aged between 50 and 80 years old to take part in the clinical trial, which is investigating whether a single vaccine can effectively prevent both illnesses.

The company conducts research on behalf of a range of pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer and AstraZeneca – two major Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers.

Covid-19 and influenza were among the more common viruses leading to severe illness and hospitalisation in older adults, P3 Research said, and currently individual vaccinations provided the best protection against each disease.

As well as the age requirement, it was looking for participants who were in good health, and were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (with or without the booster).

They must not have had a Covid-19 infection in the last two months.

The study would require willing participants to receive a vaccination and then attend follow-up appointments for six months.

The new research in New Zealand came after scientists in the US were working on a shot that could protect against Covid-19, its variants, certain seasonal colds — and the next coronavirus pandemic.

The US researchers were starting to develop prototypes of a so-called pancoronavirus vaccine, with some promising, if early, results from experiments on animals. Dr. Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, thinks scientists should join together in another large-scale vaccine-creation project immediately.

“We have to get a real work force to accelerate this, so we can have it this year,” he said. Dr. Topol and Dennis Burton, a Scripps immunologist, called for this project on broad coronavirus vaccines on Monday in the journal Nature.


‘Oku lolotonga ngāue ‘a e kau saienisi Nu’usila ki ha huhu ‘e ala malu’i fakataha ai ‘a e Kōviti – 19 mo e vailasi fulūu.
‘Oku lolotonga fakasiosio ‘a e kau fakatotolo mataotao ‘a e Wellington P3 ki ha kakai ‘i he vaha’a ta’u 50 ki he 80 ke fai ai ha ngaahi fakatotolo mo vakai’i fakapapau’i fakafaito’o, ‘a ia ko hono vakavakai’i pe ‘e lava ‘e ha fo’i huhu malu’i pē ‘e taha ‘o malu’i ‘a e ongo fokoutua ni.
‘Oku fakahoko foki ‘e he kautaha ‘a e fakatotolo ko ‘eni ‘i he malumalu ‘o ha ngaahi kautaha ngaohi vai mo fo’i ‘akau, kau ai e Pfizer mo e AstraZeneca – ko e ongo ngaohi’anga huhu malu’i lalahi ia ‘o e Kōviti – 19.
Na’e pehē ‘e he kau fakatotolo P3, ko e Kōviti – 19 mo e inifulūenisā ‘oku na kau kinaua ‘i he ngaahi vailasi anga maheni ‘oku ala ke tupu ai ha puke lahi mo e tokoto falemahaki ‘a e kau matu’otu’a, pea ‘oku hoko ‘a e huhu malu’i taautaha ko e malu’i lelei taha ia ‘o e mahaki ni.  
Neongo hono fiema’u ‘o e kau toulekeleka ka ‘oku toe fiema’u pē ke kau mai mo ha kakai mo’ui lelei, pea ‘osi kakato e huhu malu’i Kōviti – 19 [‘osi huhu booster pe ‘ikai].
Kuo pau ke nau hao he puke ‘i he Kōviti – 19 ‘i he māhgina ‘e 2 kuo ‘osi.
‘E fiema’u ‘i he ako ko ‘eni ke tali ‘e he kau ako ke nau huhu pea hokohoko atu ki ha ‘apoinimenti ‘i he māhina ‘e ono.
Na’e fakahoko foki ‘a e fakatotolo fo’ou ko ‘eni ‘i Nu’usila hili ia ha ngāue ‘a e kau saienisi ‘Amelika ki ha huhu ‘e ala malu’i fakataha ai pē ‘a e Kōviti – 19, mo hono kalasi kehekehe, no’ono’osia ‘o e faha’i ta’u momoko pea mo e vailasi kolona ka hoko mai.
Kuo kamata foki ke ngaohi ‘e he kau fakatotolo ‘Amelika ha kalasi faito’o fo’ou ‘oku ui ko e huhu malu’i pancoronavirus, mo ha ola lelei ‘aupito ‘i he ngaahi ola kimu’a ‘o e ngaahi ‘ahi’ahi ‘i he fanga manu. Ko e fakakaukau ‘a Toketā Eric Topol, ko ha palofesa ‘i he faito’o molekula ‘i he Ako’anga Fakatotolo Scripps ‘i San Diego, ‘oku taau ke ngāue fakataha ‘a e saienisi ke ngaohi ha faito’o fakavavevave ‘i ha toe tu’unga ‘oku lahi ange.
‘I he ‘aho Mōnite ‘i he fakamatala ‘a e Nature, na’e pehē ‘e Toketā Topol mo Dennis Burton, ko ha ongo matotao ‘i he ivi malu’i ‘o e sino ‘o e Ako’anga Scripps, ‘a e kolea ‘a e paloseki ko ‘eni ki he huhu malu’i vailasi kolona, ” kuo pau ke tau fakahoko ha ngāue lahi ke fakavave’i ‘eni, kae lava ke tau ma’u pē ia ‘i he ta’u ni.” 

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