Fake Middlemore doctor had non-clinical role at second hospital

By 1news.co.nz

Police and Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau are investigating concerns the man, who worked for the country’s busiest hospital for over five months, used fake documentation to get a job there.

Health officials are not yet able to explain how it happened. (Source: 1News)

On Friday, Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland’s Chief Medical Officer Margaret Wilsher, released a statement saying the alleged worked in a non-clinical role under supervision from December 2020 until February 2022.

“During this period the individual carried out a non-clinical role as a contract tracer within the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS). The role had no patient contact and did not require a practising certificate.

“A health science degree or other formal tertiary level qualification is not required for the role,” she said.

“The individual has never worked as a doctor or medical student at Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland (formerly Auckland DHB).”

The two medical schools in New Zealand, the University of Auckland and the University of Otago, have both confirmed the man, who 1News are not naming, never enrolled nor graduated from either medical school.

Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau is contacting patients who were seen by the person claiming to be a New Zealand registered medical practitioner.

RNZ reported on Friday co-workers of the accused raised concerns after they noticed his work was not up to standard.

A source with connections to the respiratory team told RNZ the incident had been incredibly upsetting for them after a very busy two-and-a-half years on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic.

They felt the deception had been sophisticated, they said.

READ MORE: ‘Review of every patient’ – Fake Middlemore Dr under scrutiny

The man made it look like his recent work experience leaned heavily towards the research side of medicine, rather than seeing patients, they said.

They said his colleagues initially noticed he was falling short on the clinical aspects of his work but tried to help, thinking he was getting used to dealing directly with patients again.

However, they said they then realised large parts of his work were not up to standard.

The former DHB authority says the person began work in the Middlemore Hospital respiratory clinic in February 2022.

“The person was working in a clinical research position and reviewed patients, under supervision.

“The person was stood down from their role on August 1 as soon as Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau received concerns about their New Zealand Medical Council registration status.”

Their employment was concluded at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau on August 10, and a complaint was filed with police the same day.

Joan Simeon, CEO of the Medical Council of New Zealand confirmed the accused is not a registered medical practitioner in Aotearoa, New Zealand, nor has he been in the past and has not sat or passed the New Zealand Registration Entrance Examination (NZREX).

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